Cock Control

I love to play very nasty and dirty during tease and denial games…
Leading a guy on as I talk all sexy and sweet to him…
Then, when I’ve got him cock stroking so good… I close my fist around him tight.
Laughing as I keep teasing him so close to orgasm, just to pull back at the very edge.
Giving him such a nasty, painful set of blue balls that he will do anything I desire.
Which is exactly the way I want my men to be.

Tease and Denial Phone Sex

Domina Cinara Nude(By: Domina Cinara) Considering I’m very open about what a sexy but truly devious fetish dominatrix I can be, you’d think you boys would know that tease and denial phone sex with me, isn’t going to be focused on getting you off when you want it… oh no.

Being that I’m a masturbatrix that gets off on things like strict cock control and sexual sadism… ask yourself this question –

Why should I let you cum?

It’s so much more fun to tease your cock and listen to you squirm as you beg me for an orgasm.

I fucking love it… knowing you’re so helpless and I’ve got total control over you. Thoughts like that make me so damn hot. It’s the kind of thing I get off on. My needy little slave boy, stroking your cock and begging me to cum. Waiting on my every word, hoping for release as I keep teasing you to the edge over and over. Forced to do whatever I say… stroking and stopping at my whim… all because you know I’m the best damn tease and denial phone sex there is… and the hottest fucking dominatrix you’ll ever talk to.

Yeah, you’re damn right I am… cocky and arrogant because I can be… because I am that good.

Men are naturally weak around me… and I love to cock tease them… I love to sexually manipulate them into being my desperate slaves. Having a dominant woman take control of you, turns you on… is it so surprising that I would be the kind of dominant woman that gets turned on from controlling men?

I don’t do fetish phone sex just to let my slave boys have whatever they want… I do it to take what I want from men who have the same fetish tastes as me… men who love to suffer for my pleasure as much as I love hearing them suffer for me.

This is called tease and denial phone sex for a reason, and I do it because I love to sexually torture men. Because the thought of you having blue balls does more than make me smile, it turns me on.

I’m a sadist and I get off on making men suffer for my pleasure… and if you want the pleasure of an orgasm at the end of our tease and denial phone sex call… you‘re going to suffer for me plenty… and I’m going to love every delicious second of it… just as you will too.

This is a whole other form of cock control… the kind that has a nasty-good cruel edge to it, mixed perfectly with the sort of sexy cock teasing you just can’t resist.

Something so very bad yet so damn good you don’t want it to stop, even as you beg me for release.

Domina Cinara
Tease and Denial Phone Sex

Only a pathetic fool would waste a perfectly good erection cock stroking by himself.
My fetish phone sex number is right here, waiting for you to call it.
Let a talented masturbatrix give you an orgasm worth having.
Don’t just dump it all over your belly like you do alone every night.

Give me total control of your cock… or I’ll give you a raging pair of blue balls.
Tease and Denial Phone Sex – 1-877-274-8292 – Domina Cinara

Cock control describes a popular fetish men have…
In which a woman takes control of the man’s penis to play with as she desires.
More than just guided masturbation, this is a relinquishing of a body part.
It’s becomes the woman’s cock… her plaything to enjoy.
With the man’s hands being used as an extension of her will that he must obey.

Cock Control

Cock Control Phone Sex - Domina Cinara(By: Domina Cinara) Whatever made you think that penis belonged to you? Just because it’s attached to your body, don’t think you have some sort of rights to it. Let me explain to you what cock control phone sex with a real dominatrix means, since you have no say in this anyway.

It’s mine… yeah, you heard me… that cock is now my property, and I’m going to do whatever I want with it.

If I want to stroke it… if I want to see how big and hard it can get…you’ll reach down and jerk that dick for as long as I tell you to.

If I want you to stop cock stroking, and just leave it standing there erect, sticking out hard as a rock with pre-cum drooling out the tip… you won’t touch the damn thing again until I give you permission to.

If I want to get you to the very edge of orgasm, just so I can laugh as I tell you to stop stroking just before you cum… you’ll do exactly as I say.

If I want you to keep doing that… stroking and stopping over and over until you feel like you’re going to go insane with need… you’ll do it… because I control that cock, not you… not ever again.

And when you can’t take it anymore… when your cock and balls feel like they’re going to explode and you need to orgasm so bad you’ll do anything… what you’ll do is beg me to cum… yes, you’ll beg to cum so sweetly… because that’s not your cock and balls… they’re mine… and the only time your hands get to touch them is when I want to play.

And at the end of our cock control phone sex call… if I don’t want you to… then no matter how you beg me to cum, you’re going to suffer in orgasm denial. Because it’s not just your cock and balls that belong to me now… I own your orgasm… I own every drop of cum that is in you.

So you better show me very quickly how obedient you are… how well you understand what cock control phone sex is all about. Because if you want my permission to cum, you’re going to be doing some hard cock stroking and you’re going to do it exactly the way I tell you to.

Call me now and we’ll see just what that penis can really do with a sexy dominant woman in charge.

What turns me on is having power over other people… especially men. And you are going to feed my fetish so very nicely.

Cause when I take control of that cock… I’m going to fucking own you.

Domina Cinara
Cock Control Phone Sex

Guided masturbation and cock control are two of the most common fetish phone sex calls.
So I have plenty of experience dealing with men who need a dominatrix…
Who knows how to take possession of a penis and milk it dry.
Just remember, my primary fetish is female domination… so if you want to cum, obey.

© 2007-2011 Domina Cinara - Fetish Phone Sex Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha